What is Kaleb House
Kaleb House is a residential recovery program providing a safe home-like environment for families and child survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. Our goal is to provide a biblical covering through redemption and love while preparing them for long-term success. We are dedicated to helping provide resources and tools for restoring the heart so life can become whole, wounds are healed, and hope is brought back.
Our Mission
To provide a Biblical covering for sexually exploited widows and orphans while breaking generational curses.
2023 Progress Update
While progressing on the construction of the Kaleb House facility, we were contacted by an individual who was herself being sexually abused by her husband, as were her children, ages 4 to 12. In our ongoing efforts to forsake not the widow and orphan, and to break generational curses, Kaleb House stepped into action and provided this family with an affordable housing option, family court advocacy as well as life skills training and access to requisite therapy. Kaleb House has also partnered with a trauma therapist, a family advocate, and security personnel as is necessary in many abusive situations.
What we weren’t expecting was that this first family would lead to a second. And a third. And a fourth. And a fifth. The depths of depravity that we have uncovered within a single community is horrific. Mothers and their children, ranging in ages from 1 to 19 years old being systematically victimized. So now we find ourselves in a situation that requires all the efforts of care that the Kaleb House facility is to provide, without actually having the facility and permanent staffing in place. It is vital for us to complete the construction of our restoration facility in order to complete our mission and ensure the safety of the survivors.
Help Us Make a Difference
We can not thank our current supporters and volunteers enough. Our mission and the restoration of these children and families would not be possible if it wasn't for the support we receive from people like you. We thank you for your prayers, courage, and support!