Millions of Children's Voices Are Never Heard
In 2022, NCMEC received more than 19,000 reports of possible child sex trafficking.
Children in America are taken and sold into slavery per day.
Children are taken in the US and sold into trafficking each year.
1 in 6
Out of the 25,000 reported endangered runaways in 2022 are likely victims of sex trafficking.
There are an estimated 24.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.
Approximately 40% of victims of trafficking are recruited by immediate family members or close family friends.
The average age a teen enters the sex trade in the US is 12 to 14 years old.
Globally, the human trafficking industry earns $150 billion annually, and $99 billion comes from commercial sexual exploitation.
Survivors of sex trafficking suffer from severe physical, emotional, and mental health challenges.
Currently, there is a shortage of safe housing and supportive services for trafficked victims,
which is why places like Kaleb House need to exist.